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it takes inner change to change your outer reality.

Life is a journey...

Are you willing to Delve Into Self Discovery & Transformation To Change from INside Out? 

Join The
Practical Mystics Club 

Holistic Practical Mystic Health & Wellness Club is a Private Online Holistic Health & Wellness Club. An online safe space for self empowerment. Promoting &  Provides Supportive resources, content & online services that helps support self-healing,  self- growth & self actualization and transformation. 

available Services to Members only 

Once A Practical Mystic Club Member You will Have access to :

  • Book A Detailed Iridology Readings & Reports

  • In Addition to A Personalized Holistic Protocol 

  • Book Holistic Health & Spiritual Consultation 

  • Supportive Content For Holistic Healing&Living

  •  Experience Earthly Ether Mystic Chronicles

  • A Library of Content from A Unique, Spiritual & Holistic Perspective

  • Be The First To Know About Any & All Online Healing Transformative Workshops, Program & Challenges

  • Other Supportive Content & Files

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Join the Practical mystics Club

One-time Lifetime Membership dues of $7.77 

 Be sure to check your emails to make sure we aren't in your spam folder and are starred or in your fav folder. 

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Sacred Seastar Mystic Member

Follow the link below to start your initiation process 

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My name is Fe~Fe and I am a Certified Detox & Regenerative Specialist, Iridologist, and Spiritual Self-Empowerment Advocate. I promote self-empowerment and natural healing through a change of consciousness if you choose, holistic lifestyle changes, detoxification, and self-transformation.


In my beinginess, I am here to inspire and directly help you become the greatest version of yourself. Know that you are whole & you can choose to be self-empowered, and continually grow. You can change your reality from the inside out, holistically.  

Growing up, I had faced unconscious adversity in my younger childhood. Consequently, signs of health issues arose including asthma, chronic allergies, severe migraines, gut issues, and skin rashes.   


At the young age of 15, I discovered that I had a tumor in my breast and was rushed into surgery to get it cut out.

It was quite  scary and frustrating back then not knowing  fully what was happening in me. At the time I didn't have the awareness  or holistic perspective to correlate the cause and affects from my state of mind, habits & environment in regards to my state of health & well being.


You can feel like you're out of control and overwhelmed at the complex, dogmatic and fragmented views toward health and wellness. This outlook causes more confusion, worry and fear.I felt like the things I was experiencing were happening to me; in short I felt like a victim and my body was the predator.     

Not having or getting an answer that was going to empower me to achieve or experience my body's true healing potential left me stuck - or did it ?


For, I am the one living and experiencing life in this body which is exclusively and divinely assigned to me. It is my temple, my 1st home, and place of worship.


Shouldn't I know how to heal it or what's causing it to react this way?


Shouldn't I know how to properly take care of it?


Not knowing what's happening to your body or what to do about it is truly a very scary and disempowering position to be in.


This is why we are so quick to suppress the body's expressions when it becomes too uncomfortable, inconvenient, or unbearable for us. We are more than likely ignoring the subtle signs that your body is in distress and imbalanced. Sometimes we won't listen until something screams, or draws our attention loud enough we can't possibly ignore  or suppress it any longer.

After that scare with the tumor in my breast, I would still uncontrollably and sporadically  break out in hives whenever I endured a certain level of stress. I would also experience blinding migraines, not knowing what was causing it, until I started to delve deeper in my holistic quest during my junior year of college( undergrad) 2010. This is when I started my journey into holistic healing and got into intentional fasting, using simple and natural raw foods  as a tool allowing my body to process more efficiently, detox and regenerate.    After detoxing, my bodily symptoms had dissipated and I started to get a glimpse into the power of holistic living & our body's divine intelligence. 

Since then, I have leveled up on my own quest for holistic health and wellness, by incorporating botanicals and detox into my lifestyle.



 I have also furthered my relationship with the divinity within me  and continually evolving and realizing that healing starts with the belief that you are healed.


I have had the honor to help guide and supports those of an array of ages and backgrounds. Some of the divine beings I offered my services to  were able to heal themselves,improve their conditions or states and some were able to even  " reverse western medical labeled symptoms like :

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Migraines

  • Gastritis

  • Psoriasis

  • Eczema

  • Acne

  • Anxiety

  • Arthritis

  • Herpes Virus

  • Scoliosis

  • Blood Pressure

  • Ulcerative Colitis

  • High / Low Blood Pressure

  • Fibroids

  • Obesity

  • Post-Partum Depression

  • and the healing list keeps growing.

I am grateful for your presence here. Thank you for reading, If you feel you resonate with what and how I've express my truth You can join the Earthly Ethers Newsletters to get more practical and spiritual messages. If you also feel called to join me as we uniquely go through our own journey of  self discovery and self mastery. 

To Become a Member of the Sacred Seastar Mystics you can start your initiation process by clicking on the button below.

Balance & Wellness

Sign Up for Memberships
                                                   Why Private Membership !

I have always sought to speak the truth and to bring that truth to those who are ready to hear it.  Over the years this has become a delicate balance, to bring the light and the truth while remaining out of the crosshairs of those with a vested interest in grabbing your attention with other intentions and agenda, which  has leads people to drift a stray from their true and highest expressed divinity. This has caused many to remain  in a chronic state of "dis-ease", confusion, and suffering.

The creation of a private membership holistic  health association changes the game and allows us greater freedom in our mission to help liberated ourselves, restore health, vitality, and harmony within.  It also offers our members the freedom to exercise their right to pursuing their own personal  health and wellness with others who are on a similar journey.

Note: Membership is NOT active until you have joined as a club member and or completed the Initiation Process & Agree to the Terms & Consition


Past Events

  • Turning Over a New Leaf : All Raw til Sunset Challenge!
    Turning Over a New Leaf : All Raw til Sunset Challenge!
    Sun, Oct 01
    Video Conference, Whatsapp & Email
    Oct 01, 2023, 8:30 AM EDT – Oct 21, 2023, 8:30 PM EDT
    Video Conference, Whatsapp & Email
    Oct 01, 2023, 8:30 AM EDT – Oct 21, 2023, 8:30 PM EDT
    Video Conference, Whatsapp & Email
  • If We Know Better Why Do We Struggle To Do Better?
    If We Know Better Why Do We Struggle To Do Better?
    Membership Offer
    Tue, Jan 26
    Mystics Special... Online Live Stream
    Jan 26, 2021, 8:30 PM EST
    Mystics Special... Online Live Stream
    Jan 26, 2021, 8:30 PM EST
    Mystics Special... Online Live Stream
    By ...Practical Mystics Club Live Event .... The Saying Goes... Know Better Do Better! We, Will, delve into the holistic reason why it's not always as simple as it sounds. Have A Better understanding on how to make the necessary changes and inner & outter workings at play to successful do so.
  • Metaphysical Review of 2020
    Metaphysical Review of 2020
    Fri, Dec 18
    Practical Mystic Members
    Dec 18, 2020, 8:30 PM EST
    Practical Mystic Members
    Dec 18, 2020, 8:30 PM EST
    Practical Mystic Members
    We are going to go in You Must BE A Practical Mystic Member To Have Access to Join Our LIVE Stream and Replay $22/ Monthly
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Sabrini- School Teacher Canada

"I am thankful for my transformation while working with Felicia. I was seeking better health with my fibroids and wanting to have a second child. I started my cleansing journey with her support. She was always available to answer my questions and guide me with my protocol.


I have learned that my body is able to heal itself by fasting, changing my eating habits, and much more. With all her expertise and her support, I was able to shrink my fibroids and I am a proud mom of a handsome prince. I highly recommend Felicia for anyone looking to start a healthy lifestyle and change there life."


Isaac - Craftsman

"First and foremost the birth chart reading was well done, not only great insight but educational and highly inspirational as well. Fefe broke things down to give me a better innerstanding of the position of the signs in the houses along with the planets. I have gained a lot of clarity through the reading. A lot of confirmation was confirmed how letting me know I was moving in the right path in my current life experience. Fefe was very professional and exchange a great source of energy while doing my read. I'm all about energy and whom I allow to read me. She did a really beautiful job. She even used her intuitive ability to read deeper into my birth chart. It truly was an amazing read and I would always recommend her for anybody who wanted to learn about their blueprint."

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Tiara -Spiritual Wellness Consultant

I am so thankful for the support and expertise from Felicia Berry throughout my transformation! She has always made herself available to answer any of my questions and has provided easy to follow instructions to make my cleansing journey so much easier. From spiritual growth, eye health, dry fasting and more, she has always poured love and dedication into what she does.

I highly recommend Felicia’s services to anyone who is ready to take their journey to the next level. You will find her welcoming and knowledgeable in her field with a determination to help you succeed in all of your endeavors. Best of luck to you all on your journey. Peace and love!

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Cheyenne- Chicago

I have been coached by FeFe for the past couple of months and using my herbs to get my gut back in balance. Being one-year postpartum, I had a lot of healing to do and I've been learning so much through my coaching sessions; I have been able to release things physically, spiritually, and emotionally! Physically, because of the herbs my skin conditions, my bladder, and my gut have been completely regenerated, Spiritually, because of the coaching, my ability to go within and express gratitude and address any imbalances that came up in our sessions have elevated my quality of life, and Mentally FeFe's insight, along with the herbs have literally changed the makeup of my cells to support a healthier response to stress so that I can make better decisions about life. This is an amazing life program and so worth the investment of time and currency/energy!



Fe~Fe The Practical Mystic

is  A Certified Detoxification & Regenerative Specialists, Certified Clinical Iridologist,

Spiritual Self Empowerment & Holistic Living  Advocate & Writer. A catalyst for Deep Inner Transformation & More.


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© 2017  -2024 Fefe The Holistic Gypsy

 Changing  Our Reality From Inside Out

        Please Note (Disclaimer:  We do not claim to be licensed physicians, therefore we do not diagnose or cure.) Felicia is a Certified Detox Specialist, Certified Clinical Iridologist and Regeneration Specialist, With the intent to empower her clients and members to assist their bodies in detoxification, healing, recovery process from toxins,unhealthy lifestyle and emotional and mental wellness.

Fe~fe The Holistic Gypsy © Copyright
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