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Those Who Had A Major Influences on My Holistic Transformational Journey



Dr. Robert Morse N.D.

Detoxification & Natural Health Pioneer


Dr. Robert Morse is the creator and founder of God’s Herbs, Dr. Morse’s Herbal Health Club, and the International School of Detoxification. I came across his work shortly after my grandparents passed away from chemo treatment in late 2010. I have been a student and follower of the teachings ever since. In early 2018 I enrolled in his school for my certifications.


He is degreed in Naturopathy, Naturopathic Medicine, Biochemistry, Iridology, Herbology, Nutrition, and Fitness. He has lectured and taught in the Natural Health Sciences throughout the world for the past 30 years and has appeared on numerous television news programs and international documentaries where he has presented findings, case studies, and educated on detoxification and cellular regeneration.



Dr. Morse holds a Doctorate of Science in Biochemistry from the Brantridge Forest School in Sussex, England and a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the Southern College of Naturopathic Medicine. He is a Master Herbalist with degrees from many institutes, a member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association, as well as being a Board Certified Naturopath by the Board of Examiners of the American Naturopathic Medical Certification and Accreditation Board. Dr. Morse is also an Honorary Member of Associacao Profissional dos Especialistas da Medicina Tradicional (Portugal). He was given an Honorary Degree from the Medical Association of Portugal for his professional work in Tissue Regeneration. He also holds certificates from Iridologists International and was awarded the “Certificate of Excellence” in Iridology, Nutrition, and Wholistic Healing, personally presented to him by the late Dr. Bernard Jensen.

Please note that Dr. Morse is no longer seeing clients so he may focus on research, writing and educating.





Djehuty Mantra  Master Herbalist and Holistic Health Leader and Counselor

 Djehuty Ma'at - Ra Master Herbalist and Holistic Health leader and Counselor whom I came across in early 2010 through youtube. He teaches about planted based importance of eating raw when cleansing your body. This was the first-ever I came across information about eating raw and this my first experience doing so and taking a 21-day herbal detox protocol from him.  

Djehuty Maatra Herbs also specializes in information and exclusive health products formulated by master herbalists, health researchers, metaphysicians, and spiritual counselors.
Djehuty Maatra assists all people desiring to take their own health into their own hands and/or who want to improve their lives by improving their health and well-being on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. 


The Man that lead me to Water

Consir Master Level Thearpist 
& Certifed Holistic Health Practitioner

Consir I connected over the phone the first time and skype after a week worth of uncontrollable hives and missing midterm exams in college back 2010. Not knowing what going on with my body and not getting answers but meds from the medical department that kept me sleeping most of the days away still itchy. Over skype session with Consir lead me to turn to plant-based lifestyle due to him letting me know about parasite infestation and stop drinking lactase milk. He also suggested I take peppermint tea to stop the hives which it did. Since then I took my commitment to the knowledge and lifestyle to another level. Later that spring We meet unplanned at a holistic expo this is the picture you see to the left.


He is a Master level therapist certified Holistic Practitioner. Consider He is the Founder and Owner of Inside Body Therapeutic Services. He specializes in the holistic treatment of behaviors that lead to Mental health crisis ( suicide, depression, homicide, and addictions).


He is one of my mentors in the Holistic Healing Fields and friend

Mr. Thot also has over 15 + years doing workshops, courses on holistic nutrition, herbology, trauma, anger management, and many other self-improvements and holistic skills. He also has done lots of work volunteering in the communities in the inner city empowering and educating others to improve their lives and their communities and mentoring the youth, especially young men.

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© 2017  -2024 Fefe The Holistic Gypsy

 Changing  Our Reality From Inside Out

        Please Note (Disclaimer:  We do not claim to be licensed physicians, therefore we do not diagnose or cure.) Felicia is a Certified Detox Specialist, Certified Clinical Iridologist and Regeneration Specialist, With the intent to empower her clients and members to assist their bodies in detoxification, healing, recovery process from toxins,unhealthy lifestyle and emotional and mental wellness.


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