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Hello Everyone,


First, I want to say thank you for stopping past to view my website. I am a Holistic Health Practitioner, Holistic Coach, Certified Detox Specialist, Certified  Clinical Iridologist and Regeneration Detox Specialist from The International School of Detoxification led by one of the world's best teachers and Healers in the Natural Holistic Community, Dr. Robert Morse N.D. I am also a  Wife, Mother of 2, a Homeschooler and a business school graduate. I have two beautiful children; a boy and a girl, who both are full of life and a lot of personality.

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I've had quite an interesting upbringing and I overcame a lot of trauma and emotional abuse during my childhood years. Although I physically moved on and progressed with my life, it spiritually and emotionally had a hold on me, which energetically caused me to vibrate and attract certain events and things into my life and react in certain ways, that hindered me from attracting many of the things I did want at the time because I wasn't resonating with it energetically. This happens to all of us whether you aware of it or not.


Going into my adult years, I had life continue to unfold and show me a reflection of myself by the experiences and the type of people I would attract around me. It had gotten to a point where I had to go within and make conscious decisions to start my awakening journey. There I found inner strength, self-empowerment, aligned with my higher self and started my holistic journey on my path of continual self-discovery, continual awareness of self and the true inner healing process begun.

This is when I gained more control of my life, realized inner peace and had more of an inner standing of self. I begin to deliberately co-create and attract more of the things I did want unto me. Life is such a beautiful and amazing experience I want to help other people make the best out of it while they have it, and the best way to gain control of your life is to do the inner work and become self-aware.

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We are collectively on a personal journey called life, and at this particular time on our planet, the collective consciousness is in the process of clearing and transcending energies. During this process, it hasn't been easy for many of us. A lot is unfolding in the public eye, in the media, and on a personal level. Many internal issues are coming to the surface in order for us to transcend our current reality. Our internal issues have hindered many of us from living out the reality we want to live.  In order for us to live the lives our hearts want to experience, it takes mental and emotional healing; the balance must be restored. So yes, internal healing is necessary for our ascension and it is key for many. Just be aware that during this time, it may seem like things are falling apart and your world is in a state of chaos. 


 It can be overwhelming and emotionally draining, but the healing starts within. It is not an accident that you stumbled across my page. You are meant to be here. I have already asked the universe for guidance, help, and reassurance.


It is my soulful mission to help others on their soulful mission. I am here to help inspire and guide you enough to be self-empowered for your own expansion, healing, and holistic transformation while making your holistic journey easier. Whether that will be through my




Online Services: 


Podcast/ Phone conferences 


1-on-1 session Consultation

Holistic Coaching

Shadow working  energetic clearing

Detox Holistic Health Services &

Customized Holistic Healing Detox  Protocols 

Iridology Readings

Online Holistic Shop

Monthly Video Content

Online Course (coming soon)

Free Downloadable Documents & Files

& More


I am here to inspire and directly help others to become their greatest version, become self-empowered and continually grow. 




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© 2017  -2024 Fefe The Holistic Gypsy

 Changing  Our Reality From Inside Out

        Please Note (Disclaimer:  We do not claim to be licensed physicians, therefore we do not diagnose or cure.) Felicia is a Certified Detox Specialist, Certified Clinical Iridologist and Regeneration Specialist, With the intent to empower her clients and members to assist their bodies in detoxification, healing, recovery process from toxins,unhealthy lifestyle and emotional and mental wellness.


Fe~fe The Holistic Gypsy © Copyright
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