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A 7 Year Cycle of Spiral~ Ritual Memory, Reflection & Comparison

This is a photo from 7 years ago to the current date.

I truly could not help but reflect like wow. And to compare where I am now and the lessons from then and now. It is pretty awesome after reflecting.

How ironic when I took this selfie, I was moving and packing and when I took this selfie I was also in a legal situation and currently we just hired a lawyer to negotiate a personal contract and deal and are packing to relocated to a new house here in Mexico.

In the picture l above, I was bout to move out of a condo I shared with a boyfriend at the time who is the father of my 1st child. Now my family and I are packing to relocate to another house here and are in middle of negotiating for leasing contract for a house we want to lease here.

7 years ago I was moving out from an unplanned and unexpected situation that at the time I didn’t realize I attracted into my reality from within.

Yes, due to what was going on inside of me.

As a reminder, everything in our reality is a mere refection of within. I have been reminded of this yet again.

In this phase of my life I gave birth to my first born child earlier that year in 2014, and there was what appeared to be a sudden split that took place between me and his father in late September, early October which was 1-2 months prior to this photo being taken.

I was at peace with the split, but not my illusion of what I perceived as my reality crumbling. It snapped me back into consciousness because I fell asleep at the wheel of life in spiritual areas of my life prior to these events taking place. I had to quickly accept doing the inner work and having revelations. In this phase of my life I quickly realized I attracted “him” (my 1st born’s father).

Without getting into personal details (another time and place for that I suppose), “he” was just a mere mirror of what I didn’t realized from within about myself, and the events that occurred due to unawareness of stagnated energy of the vibration I was holding within.

Which had to be revealed and purged.

The energy of self that was buried within me that I suppressed, was coming up to the surface to face head on. Erupting like a violent volcano. Stretched out of my comfort zone and challenging me to grow past my narrow perspective that I thought was wide at the time.

Side-note *How can you “measure” infinity, I laugh now and into the future of ever thinking we arrived at some ultimate Enlightenment.*

I was being stretched or expanded to love more, love myself and others more. One of the many lessons learnt, was to have more self acceptance and stand in my truth even if others deny their own. That has recently came up again, presently in this process of my family moving.

Believe it or not, even if you knew me back then as confident and outspoken as I appeared I was ashamed of my spiritual abilities to see between the lines, see hidden codes and read the unspoken hidden energy of self and others.

This ability scared me and I hid from it in this time in my life, I didn’t accept it and was ashamed of it. So I tried to hide into a relationship to distract myself from myself and what is and it was calling me to answer but “I had the excuses”. Something similar reoccured these past couple of months to the current day. When looking for a new place and seeing red flags in the place we were about to lease here, I doubted myself and judged myself for being quick to read the room to come to a conclusion and move forth with better options and level up for us. Undermining my worth and intuition I stuck around longer than needed. I had internal conflicts within that led to the past and most recent situation.

So next lesson I would say is forgiving others and more importantly forgiving myself. Forgiving myself for undermining myself and not seeing more for myself in both situations, past and present.

Another lesson is developing compassion and understanding of self and others, which I am still learning to this very day. There are times I fall into the thought form that all of this compassion & forgiveness and trusting one self, if displayed unapologetically, was weakness or seems crazy or judgmental. Sometimes I get in such a mode that I would be shamed or scared to not stand in my truth and lessons that were being revealed at that time.

My concept and understanding of love was and is changing for the better. It even continues to evolve and expand as we speak and still will.

I now understood my level of resilience has came from self-acceptance, self-awareness, taking accountability, forgiveness and compassion. When I tap into a space of wholeness. This enables me to attune to the frequency I am being called to be in, quickly.

Which helps me do what some may call “timeline jumping” and “paradigm shifting” which from outside looking in, is what appears to be what we know to be a “level up” or “glow up”. A change in my reality that appears to be quickly moving with my ability to expand my consciousness.

Which back when this photo was taken, caused me to have a smooth landing when my world seemed to suddenly be tossed upside down. What I thought or expected to have happen during a time of what appeared to be threatening, scary, uncertain and abrupt.

I’m currently having faith in similar or better results with the unexpected last minute changes we’ve had as we pack, not knowing where we will call our home here. Looking for a place to move to with my family here with a few days left to negotiate a deal with the attorney and homeowner before we have to move out our current place.

Looking back at the situation; that was all preparation for me to be spring boarded into another level in my life, shortly after this photo.

Currently, we found a much better house than we intially planned to move into. I ignored the red flags and doubted my abilities then and learnt from my mistakes now and am reminded of the same lessons from 7 years ago (the 7 year cycle).

I came across this memory and was triggered by seeing the photo above on my Facebook memory. With so much that happened in-between.

Hey, I am here NOW and grateful for all of the blessings, lessons, and everything that occurred and my expanded level of consciousness and experiences.

7 year cycles there something about the 7 year cycles and the number 7 we delve more into metaphysics of this at a later date.

As the year is coming to a close leading to parallel reality on another cycle of us packing and physically about to moving forth yet again.

This time with a wider perspective of self and life it’s self represented that , now moving with a husband and two children and fews businesses growing now in my reality. This makes me excited for what’s to come for the next 7 year cycle. So this post is marker to see what to come and to look back reflect and see the spiral ~ritual journey of life has to offer 7 years from this date.


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