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My Body Is Mine It Was Given To Me by God

For those arrogant enough to not respect or comprehend this is in “violation of divine law” and will be delt with on any level “God” chooses and sees fit. Let alone for the very simple fact it is NOT sustainable and shall past.

Many beings are here to “Bear witness “ to what is taking place and hold space to allow and let “the judgment of God” handle it. Surrender and accept what is beyond your “control “ and being “tapped in “ or “covern” where those trust and place faith in. No one breaks that sacred Union, bond or “divine marriage”.

The Divine comes and moves in mysterious ways. For all is in divine order despite “The Devil” TRICKS & TREATS aka illusions. Even it’s own deception of thinking it is or had control. Remember who you are. Remember where you are. and BE 1 ONE with what IS.

In the Age of Aquarius aka “I know” Align thyself #TRUST and Know Thyself! It is the Age of The Water Bearer. REMEMBER thyself (water holds memory). In the Age of Information also the Age of Remembering for the “chosen... or aka the ones who risening out of their sleep. Aka “the Resurrection”. If this resonates it was for YOU to remember. HOLD on.

You BEARING witiness and trusting and keeping the faith is ENOUGH.

This TOO shall PASS. And, If this doesn’t resonate with you it is perfectly fine as well.



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