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My Thoughts on the Current State of the World Pandemic: Part 1

What difference does it make if you identify with a particular gender or no gender if you don’t have basic body autonomy?

Is this just a illusion of being forward or progressive, because logically speaking it is not. It is a play on perspectives and different groups to turn on each other. Whether that be family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, pastors and members and even employers vs employees, etc. To perpetuate and encourage confusion.

Order out of chaos has been insighted amongst the people.

The old, divide and conquer!

Flash back to history, too many times when the colonizers or when empires fell, had played out the game to get each tribes and tribe members to turn on each other or nations members to turn against their leaders or leader to turn against the people they serve.

Present day different scenario same play!

Many are being coercion or given a dilema of choosing a shot to maintain their basic livelihood. Sadly many are in this tough situation. Even long reputations that been built are in threat to be jeopardized or at a lost, Which for many that is their life line and took generations to built.

So it not so tough of a decision for thoses who prioritize or invested more of their time outside themselves to achieve a status, reputation or estates over their inner state of being.

If those who don’t value what they put in their bodies every day and barely hold themselves accountable for quality of what they put in their bodies, this decision is not much of a stresser for them. Especially those who don’t hold themselves accountable for their own health and well being.

They look to others to save them or fix them is their motto which comes at a high risk to put your life in someone else hands. Other then the precieved fear of the outside threats to feel as though that options💉 is best for them and everyone else as well. Of course this validates what they prioritized, value and the overall approach to life. This doesn't require any accountability or real change. Therefor, easy to continue to push the blame, liability or responsiblity on others.

And then there are others who prioritized and

spent more time and invested energy, time and money to be self empowered, improve the quality of their state of being. They are more concern with quality of life then the appearances alone.

They are very self aware of what they do, how they do it and what they put out and in their bodies. Many who fall in this group typically value their choice and their decisions. They have invested a lot energy in trying to improve themselves and improve their choices when it comes to their state of health. For those people, most have healthier relationship with their state of being, known how to self regulated and hold themselves accountable for their inner and bodily state. So there may be a danger and threat in the eyes of these people just not the same just from a very different perspective.

These people also have experience and has invested time and energy and typically knows what works for them over the world or strangers telling them what does. So these are those who won’t give in to what is being pushed, the fear, or surrender that basic inherit right of bodily autonomy.

We have to be continually program that there is a collective danger or threat outside of thoses who presented this very concept and scenario and they are benefiting beyond measure from the continually pushing of this narrative and all the divide and conquer that is going on.

As for us all, everything that people work for or toward is on the line and at stake for both groups. Even for thoses who are unsure and fall in between and hasn't taken a stance on these matters out fear, or genuine confusion.

From my view, this is a much greater cost then the precieve threat and so called danger for us all,regardless of where you stand.

Those who may loose their jobs, businesses their asset, homes, families and even for many their state of health or even their lives.

So now it’s a perceived sin or endangerment to be unbother in your own skin and to even go further to say it is for public interest to get inoculate at will of the collective public best interest. As if there was not another threat bigger then those stating or pushing this very insane concept and rhetoric.

What is life if you live in a society where you don’t have basic ownership of your own body or you are forced to choice to between keeping that right but being outcasted and demonized from society. For some it not even a Sacrifice if it was never valued for others it is the ultimate Scarifice.

Regardless if the very concept of freedom is gone would life be worth living? Or do we keep appearing on social media posts and comments to look like as we are free and unbothered. Is that not avoidance and cognitive dissonance?

Looks at the increase of succide rates.

Which is usually blamed on mental health. However, doesn't our mental health correlate with those around us?

So does this determine the health of our society if their is more people willingly choosing death over life?

Or have we collectively concented to the appearance and illusion of living freely more valuable then actual living in pursuit of freedom itself?

Due to loss of hope in gaining freedom, the stress of maintaining freedom, and lack of true communal support and genuine connections.

Due to shallowness of our society has lead to so many contemfully abandon their own right to basic body autonomy. Is that not succidal in its self?

It's very important for all of us to purge and or transmute the viberation of fear, confusion, shame, denial and lack of compassion for each others no matter what we value.

For we obvious are connected and have our fair share to hold our self accountable for our own well being and support each others.

Are we even alive or living if there is no freedom or compassion and respect for each others?

Many strive to gain this so called concept of freedom whether it be Financial freedom, free market, freedom of expression, equal opportunity, freedom of choice, free trade, etc.

Also we try to gain respect and affection through status, access, achievements, reputations, success and desirability.

This is what drives us to live and thrive and want to be established and partake in society.

For the genuine connection with others, so many seem to have lost our way to core essence in our pursuit of happiness. When we were striving for this we lost our sense of wholeness and connection to self thus loosing the intimate and genuine connections with others and meaning of life itself was lost into the worldly endeavors.

Because of this, is why control, ownership or achievement is symbolized and so important to so many indifferent ways to maintain freedom and respect influences to reach out and reconnect with others.

So for those who don’t value what goes in their body and it easy to choose a shot over loosing your gains or position in society. For many don’t want to have the freedom of their bodies anyway because it comes with responsblity that many don’t want to take on. Face the more fact that that neglected their core self. However that come at a higher cost.

There is no need to choose for others or wish suffering or demand it be enforced for those who are prioritizing and choosing to stand in their rightful space which is inherent right to stand in their self and truth and be well and alive. It is not a crime to not live in fear and if it is then we must be in hell and already died and clearly lost our way.

We must find our way back, like Beyonce said.

Disconnet to reconnect yes a reset like the world leaders stated but in our own way.

Get used or be used. For one of the universal law is the more you resist the more it persist.

To be continued......


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