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Spiritually Drifting at Sea of Life

Sometimes I come into this space where I wonder.

Is this all happening because many of ourselves have an unhealthy relationship with that center inner Voice aka that presence within.

Casting spells called words that we use to confine or define things that are way larger than constructs and concepts of time.

Causing Confusion and Illusions of spiritual and psychological prisons that are rooted deep within. Ignoring, to deceive, trying to intimidate it. Trying to keep busy creating chaos and take up space to “fill the void”.

Intimidated by its self, trying to distract or Escape, or even try to dissect, on the mad quest to try to define it's boundless infinity depths.

Attempts to conquer and destroy oneself. Like a mad scientist, isolate it , fear it, attempts to tame or arrogantly try to control it.. Curse it, deny it, suppress and even try to hide it , isolate, separate, trick, deceive aspects of one self and many times abused (misuse) one self at the very core of oneself, that the external reality echos this very same thing.

So often times I also go into this space where I sit in this space with oneness, rediscover inner peace and stillness. Like an eye in the middle of a storm. This space is infinity and words often dont not explain.

Then, I drift back out to sea and catch myself slipping and remembering yet again.

The mysterious and “spiral ritual” or motions of life is way more then what meets the naked eye.

Despite the desperate and deep level of denial that always lies within. That is why it comes to surface often or every now and again. So I am learning and relearning to be at peace with this Infinity circle and sea (See) of life.

FeFe HolisticGypsy


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