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My Thoughts on Current State of The World: Part 2; The One World Religion?

Modern Religion, #trustthescience, stand for your unalienable rights and for the body autonomy that was given to you by a higher intelligence then man.

You came through a woman, but was and are created by a much much higher intelligence. Take back your mind and courage.

Imagine our children & Grandchildren (if we are so privileged) world if we leave them a reality where they don't even own their bodies. They will feel like God has foresaken them and get tired like you are now, they would not know of any other reality, world or choice. They will have NOT had the chance to have the lovely knowing and memory of when they owned their own bodies. They came in this world with or be responsible and accountable for bodily decisions. They would not know how amazing their biological bodies already are. They will feel like their only reasonable escape from such a miserable reality would be transhumanism or virtual realities such as meta_verse or Roblox, etc. and similar realities that appear to them as a savior or an upgrade of life, being sold a false light/illusion of freedom. Truly, truly this is a downgrade and escape.

So please play your role here, while you are here, it MATTERS YOU MATTER, play your part.

If you still think this is about a damn virus please fast, pray, go within, meditate and turn off phones, social media and mainstream media programming for 30 days.


We need as many woken souls as possible for this one. TRUST ALL THE ANSWERS FOR YOU ARE WITHIN. Build a better relationship within. Many have forsaken this divine relationship and are lost or have lost their way. Find your way back.

The world economic forum said “ people will own nothing and be happy”. As if many people aren't already happy. People won't even have a say in what goes in their body, that is the ultimate control.

We are being decieved and coerced. I urge you to go within if this doesn't resonate. Let your heart lead. Some need to open their hearts and heal to truly hear the call.

This is bigger than each of us, but we all need each other to make a difference, so do your part. Lead from within, (your heart and not ego or head) NOT what this world wants you to do. We can easily be decieved and many of us already have been on so many levels. If this is a very small glimpse of a reality that doesn't resonate, then you are being called to make a difference in your own unique way. If we all do this on an individual level then collectively we can change the projectory of the current state of this world.

With Love 💕

Fe~ Fe The Holistic Gypsy

With Love 💕


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