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Why Didn't I Wear A Mask this Halloween? 

Far too long, the majority of the masses have walked around with masks on way before this Covid - making it so uncomfortable and almost unbearable for Empaths like myself.

I am a 12th house Sun Soul with a stellium (3 planets sitting in the same house) in my 12th house. That is the house that’s hidden. The house of secrets, chaos, the dark, feelings, infinite waters, Pisces/psychic abilities, the house of intuition. It is also the house of spirituality which all derives from the 12th house, ruled by Neptune. Well, as 12th house soul with Sun and a total of 3 planets there...that is the house I dwell the most.

I see more clearly in the subconscious area than most. What I’ve observed from this perspective is that what people want to remain hidden within, is what is taking place in our outer reality/ People are at war with themselves.

I see people running from their own darkness. I see people fighting themselves, but projecting onto others. I see people trying to suppress, control, and imprison aspects of themselves and put a smiling face on, trying to escape the energy from within. Now that we are in a reality with being worn daily literally, suppression, and limitation on where and how we go about life now ... it is quite interesting to see people still try to hide those aspects of self even further.

I just wonder how far we will go down this spiral ritual...for what is happening within is a mere (mirror) reflection of the masses' neglection, suppression, and non-acceptance of self and the wholeness of oneself.

Later this month I will go live and delve into this topic on November 19th at 7:30 pm EST with the practical mystics -

You can join the Practical Mystics here if you missed it you can become a member and catch the replay in our Mystic Video Library


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